Invoices for your subscription are automatically generated and emailed to the Company Admin whenever a subscription is created, renewed, or upgraded. You can add a billing or accounting contact (via email), in addition to the Company Admin—in the My Virtual Surveyor portal—to help with company billing. The new contact is automatically sent any invoices generated from Virtual Surveyor. Read on to see how to add an additional contact for billing. 

How to Add an Accounting Email

You must be the Company Admin in order to add an additional email for billing purposes. When you log into My Virtual Surveyor as the Company Admin, you will see the Subscriptions page by default.  

To add the additional contact:

  1. Log into My Virtual Surveyor.
  2. Click on the Company tab to access your organization's info.
  3. Look in the Billing Notifications section and click on Edit.
  4. Add the email you would like to use in the additional form field and click Save Changes.
    1. The Company Admin's email is required to remain in the first slot.
  5. Billing and invoice emails will now be sent to both the recently added email and the Company Admin