When you start a trial or are assigned as a user to a subscription, you need to have a Virtual Surveyor ID. This article explains a few things about the Virtual Surveyor ID.

What Is It?

  • Your Virtual Surveyor ID is essentially a combination of an email address and a password.
  • A Virtual Surveyor ID is a way to authenticate yourself towards our company and systems.
  • You can look at a Virtual Surveyor ID as a passport.

Why Do You Need It?

Your Virtual Surveyor ID allows you to login to and work with:

  • Virtual Surveyor Desktop software.
  • Access Templates and Projects you have saved to the cloud.
  • My Virtual Surveyor web application and manage your subscription.
  • To get the proper support when you reach out to us with your questions.

It Is Personal!

  • Your Virtual Surveyor ID is strictly personal
  • Sharing a Virtual Surveyor ID is not allowed and can result in a suspension of your subscription.
  • Read more in our Terms of Service.

Logging in to the Virtual Surveyor desktop software with your Virtual Surveyor ID.

Your Virtual Surveyor ID in the the My Virtual Surveyor web application.