Virtual Surveyor sets the Project Coordinate System from the first dataset you add. Any additionally added data will automatically be reprojected to the set Project Coordinate System. You can also change the set project coordinate system. It is important to set the appropriate coordinate system as all your data will be exported in this coordinate system. 

Virtual Surveyor is designed for working in projected coordinate systems that are listed in the EPSG database. 


Setting the Project Coordinate System

A newly created project will initially show the Project Coordinate System as UNDEFINED until you add your drone data. Any newly added data must include or be given a coordinate system before you can work on it. 

Data that Includes a Coordinate System

If your data does include a coordinate system, Virtual Surveyor will use this coordinate system to automatically set the Project Coordinate System and no further action is required (unless you want to reproject).

Data that Does Not Include a Coordinate System

If your data does not include a coordinate system, you need to tell Virtual Surveyor what coordinate system your data is in.

  • Set the coordinate system of your data by using the search box to locate it by name, number, or EPSG code, then select and click Next
  • The coordinate system you select is assigned to the data you've loaded into Virtual Surveyor and is then used to automatically set the Project Coordinate System.

If the coordinate system of your data doesn't appear in the list, you'll need to set it up as a Local coordinate system:

  • Tick the I don't know box and select the measurement units you intend to use (Metric, US Survey Foot, or International Foot), and click Next.

  • Once the Local coordinate system has been set, it will appear on the lower left side of the status menu next to Display Units.

Changing the Project Coordinate System

You can change the Project Coordinate System at any time. Once changed, Virtual Surveyor reprojects all your project data (DSMs, Orthophotos, Points, Lines, Contours, TINs, etc.) to the updated Project Coordinate System. 

  1. Click on Project Coordinate System in the Status Bar.

  2. Type the name, number, or EPSG code of the coordinate system in the search box.

  3. Select the coordinate system you want to use from the popup window and click Apply to set the new coordinate system.
  4. All your data is now reprojected to this coordinate system.

Tips & Tricks

  • If your first dataset is in a geographic coordinate system, then your Project Coordinate System will automatically be set to UTM in the appropriate zone. You can then change it to the appropriate system.
  • The Display Units feature is only used for showing measurement conversions within Virtual Surveyor. You can change your Display Units in a Project to display measurements in either meters or feet. To change the display units, click on Display Units at the lower left corner or go to File>Settings>General.

Important! Changing the Display Units does not change how your data is exported. Data you export from Virtual Surveyor is always measured with the units that are set in the Project Coordinate System.