Boundaries are important Project Items that often require being split, then reconnected in order to cover different boundary areas as a project's needs change, or as project items change over time. Boundaries can be updated through a workflow using the Split tool to cut the existing boundary into separate lines, and the To Boundary tool to reform the boundary after editing.


Quick Usage Guide

  1. Display the original boundary you wish to modify in the Viewport.
    1. Optionally, copy and paste the boundary using CTRL-C (copy) and CTRL-V (paste) shortcuts.
  2. Use the Split tool to separate the boundary at the desired intersecting points for the new boundary.
  3. Delete the unused line segment.
  4. Create the modified line geometry you wish to add.
  5. Select both lines, and merge them into a boundary using the To Boundary tool.

Stockyard Example: Needs an Updated Boundary 

This typical stockyard is surveyed once a quarter by the local surveyor. The company has requested that the unused portion of the stocks be surveyed as well, for this quarter. 

The blue border—in the image below—is the original boundary; the small yard to the North West (outlined with gold lines) is the area we need to add.

Workflow of a Boundary Being Extended

It is often a good practice to create a copy of your boundary to edit so you are not modifying the original. 

  1. You can copy and paste your original boundary by having the item selected and using the shortcuts CTRL-C (copy) and then CTRL-V (paste). 
  2. A second identical boundary item now shows in your Project View. 
  3. Turn off (hide) the original boundary to begin your work. 

Start editing your boundary by using the Split tool within the Transform area of the TOOLS tab.

  1. Click the Split tool to enable the split mode
    1. Your cursor changes to a set of scissors. 
  2. When you hover over the selected boundary, a red circle will appear. 
  3. Click that location to convert the boundary item to a line item with 2 vertices on the split location (red point in the image below). 
  4. Continue to split the line at the necessary locations. 
  5. Right-click to disable split mode and return the default cursor.
  6. After clicking your split points, The boundary separates into 2 separate lines that cover the exact the same geometry of your original boundary (the split line we need to delete is colored in red in the image directly below step 7). 
  7. Delete the line segment that you no longer need.

  8. Draw a new line around the perimeter of the area you are adding to the previously existing boundary. 
  9. Finish the line by connecting them directly to the vertex (or endpoint) of the other drawn line.
    1. The purple circle indicates that you can "snap" to the endpoint so your newly drawn line is directly connected

  10. Select both the original boundary line item and the line item for the new area boundary in the Project View.
  11. Once selected, the TOOLS tab appears and you can access the To Boundary tool to convert the selected lines into a single boundary.

Your new updated boundary now shows as a single boundary item in the Project View.