Virtual Surveyor contains many keyboard shortcuts to specific actions. This article gives an overview of all available shortcuts in Virtual Surveyor.


Terrain Lens Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you to enable and disable the Terrain Lenses.

Alt + CContour lens
Alt + DSlope Directions lens
Alt + SSlope Steepness lens
Alt + EElevation lens
Alt + TTransparent lens
Alt + IImage lens

Viewport Shortcuts

This shortcut helps you to select items in the Viewport.

Shift + Left-click (hold and drag)Rectangle selection in the Viewport

Navigation Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you to navigate around in the Viewport.

+Scroll in
-Scroll out
CTRL +Move Down
CTRL -Move Up
REnable rotate
Arrow LeftPan left
Arrow RightPan right
Arrow UpPan forward
Arrow DownPan backward
Shift + Arrow LeftRotate left
Shift + Arrow RightRotate right
Shift + Arrow UpTilt up
Shift + Arrow DownTilt down

Project Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you to access some main project functions.

Ctrl + NCreate New project
Ctrl + SSave or Save As a project
Ctrl + OOpen a project
Ctrl + ZUndo last operation
Ctrl + YRedo last operation
Ctrl + EOpen .vspx directory location
Ctrl + F1Collapse/Pin the ribbon

Project View Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you to manage the contents of the Project View.

DeleteRemove selected items
Ctrl + CCopy selected items
Ctrl + XCut selected items
Ctrl + VPaste selected items
Ctrl + Left-clickSelect Project Items one by one
Shift + Left-clickSelect a range of Project Items

Drawing Mode Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you when you are drawing survey items.

Alt + PEnable/Disable the Point drawing mode
Alt + LEnable the Polyline drawing mode
Alt + BEnable the Boundary drawing mode
1Set Free line drawing mode
2Set Arc line drawing mode
3Set Guided Breakline line drawing mode
Ctrl (Hold)
Disable snapping
BackspaceRemove last vertex
Ctrl + BackspaceRemove last Guided Breakline segment

Edit Vertex Mode Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you when you are editing survey items and are in the SELECTION TOOLS tab.

Alt + VEnable the Edit Vertex mode when a point, line, or boundary is selected
1Set On Terrain Edit Vertex mode
2Set XY Edit Vertex mode
3Set Z Edit Vertex mode
4Set Interpolate Z Edit Vertex mode
Ctrl (Hold)
Disable snapping
DeleteDelete the selected vertex/vertices
Ctrl + Left-clickSelect multiple vertices one by one
Shift + Left-clickSelect a range of vertices in between two chosen points
Shift + Ctrl + Left-clickSelect a range of vertices outside of two chosen points
Arrow LeftSelect the previous vertex
Arrow RightSelect the next vertex
Shift + Arrow LeftAdd the previous vertex to the selection
Shift + Arrow RightAdd the next vertex to the selection
Ctrl + ASelect all vertices

Edit Surface Mode Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you quickly change between the edit modes after you have enabled the Edit Surface tool.

1Enables Remove Vertex mode
2Enables Add Vertex mode
3Enables Remove Edge mode
4Enables Flip Edge mode

View Mode Shortcuts

These shortcuts help you to switch the View Mode.

Alt + K3D view mode
Alt + M2D view mode