You have calculated stockpiles and now you want to export this information to use it in another application. Virtual Surveyor includes the Export Stockpiles tool, which allows you to export your stockpile information in .csv and .shp format.

Export Stockpiles is available in the Stockpile group of the EXPORT tab and only works if at least one stockpile is enabled in the project.


Exporting Stockpiles as a .csv File

  1. Tick the stockpile items that you want to export in the Project View.
  2. Go to the EXPORT tab.
  3. In the Stockpile group, select .csv in the Format dropdown menu.
  4. Click Export Stockpiles.
  5. Select the name and the location for your text file, for example stockpiles.csv.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Once completed, you can open the file with the stockpile information in Notepad, Excel etc.

Hint! In order to work faster, you can select all the stockpile items in your project for export; rather than one or a few at a time. Items that do not contain a stockpile calculation will not be exported.

Export Stockpiles to a .shp File

Use this procedure if you want to create a map with volume annotations in a software like QGIS.

  • This process works the same as Export Stockpiles to .csv mentioned above.
  • But in the Stockpile group, select .shp in the Format dropdown menu before clicking on Export Stockpiles.
  • This will export the outline of the pile with the stockpile information in the attribute table.

Tips and Tricks

  • You can also copy the stockpile information to the clipboard if you only have one stockpile that you need to export. Use the clipboard icon in the top right corner of the Information box.
  •  It is also possible to export stockpiles as a PDF report.