The Timeline allows you to organize and analyze your drone surveys over time. You can sort drone surveys into the proper sequential order and easily toggle between the Timesteps

The Timeline enables the use of tools like cut and fill maps, compare profile options, and allows you to create designs for the future. This article shows you how to efficiently use the Timeline and how it can make your project management for earthwork or mining projects easier. 

You can toggle the Timeline to show or hide it via the calendar icon that is found in the View tab or in the status bar. 

Toggle the Timeline on and off


Timeline Feature Descriptions

The Timeline is organized by Timesteps. Each Timestep is designed to contain your drone datasets that were flown at different dates. A Timestep contains data such as line drawings, topo surfaces, profile lines, cut/fill maps, etc. 

The Timeline has the following features:

Open Timestep options in the TimelineOpen the Timestep options.
Add a Timestep by clicking on 'Add Timestep'.Add Timestep Adds a new Timestep in the Timeline. Type in a name or a date and press Enter to create a new Timestep
Set a Timestep as Active by clicking on the name or by opening the options and clicking 'Set Active"Set ActiveSets the selected Timestep to the current view. Alternatively, left-click on the Timestep name to set it as active.

The Active Timestep is shown in bold lettering.
Rename a Timestep in the Timeline by clicking on the options icon and selecting 'Rename"Rename TimestepRename the Timestep. After entering a new name or date press Enter to complete. 
Move a Timestep forward on the Timeline sequence, which moves it up in the Timeline panel. Most recent on top.Move ForwardMove the Timestep forward in the Timeline.
Move a Timestep backwards on the Timeline sequence, which moves it down in the Timeline panel. Earliest Timesteps at the bottom.Move BackwardMove the Timestep backward in the Timeline.
Use the three horizontally stacked parallel lines to manually click and drag a Timestep forward or backward in sequence on the timeline.Manually move a Timestep anywhere forward or backward on the Timeline via click-and-drag. 
Delete the Timestep from the Timeline by opening the options and selecting 'Delete'Delete TimestepErases the Timestep from the project along with all of the data in that Timestep.

Timeline Order Sequence and Organization

The Timeline should be organized with the most recent Timesteps at the top. Having the proper chronology of Timesteps is essential to ensure that any work done (like cut and fill maps) are presented properly. 

For example, the project below shows what material we want to cut away (red and orange), not what needs to be filled in (blue). We need to ensure that the most recent dataset of 1 March 2019 is shown at the top of the Timeline sequence.

Timeline sequence order. Most recent drone dataset on top.

How to Set Up the Timeline

The Timeline is integrated into both Terrain Creator and Virtual Surveyor apps so that photogrammetry can seamlessly transfer from Terrain Creator to Virtual Surveyor as a new Timestep. The fastest method is to use Terrain Creator and transfer the photogrammetry to Virtual Surveyor. You have two options for setting up and creating Timesteps on the Timeline: 

Option 1: Add Timesteps with Terrain Creator

Use our photogrammetry app, Terrain Creator, to move your processed drone datasets to the Virtual Surveyor app and begin your work on a new Timeline: 

  1. After processing your drone data in the Terrain Creator app, click Open in Virtual Surveyor.
  2. When the Virtual Surveyor app loads, your drone dataset appears as a new Timestep in the Timeline, automatically named with the flight date.
    Use Open in Virtual Surveyor button in the Terrain Creator app to move your processed (photogrammetry) drone dataset to the Virtual Surveyor app as a new Timestep in the Timeline.

Add your dataset in a new Timestep to an existing project. In the example below, we can use the same processed drone dataset and add it as an additional Timestep in an already existing project: 

  1. In the Terrain Creator app, click To Existing while the Virtual Surveyor app is running with a project already open to transfer the recently processed drone dataset.
  2. Switch to the Virtual Surveyor app to see the drone dataset added at the top of the Timeline list as the most recent Timestep. The Timestep is automatically named with the drone's flight date.
  3. Repeat these steps as many times as necessary to create a new Timestep with each drone dataset that was flown on a separate date. The image below shows four Timesteps that were added from Terrain Creator, and one manually created Timestep called 'EMPTY SITE'.

Option 2: Manually Add Timesteps and Load Datasets

Create a Project and load drone datasets to the Timeline yourself.

  1. Open an existing or create a new Project.
  2. Open the Timeline view and click on Add Timestep.
  3. Type in the drone flight date as the Timestep name and press Enter.
    Add a new Timestep in the Timeline and name it the drone flight date.
  4. Select the new Timestep and load the next drone dataset with Choose files or by using the drag-and-drop function from Windows' File Explorer.
    Choose drone dataset files (DSM and Orthomosaic) to load into your Timestep in the Timeline of the Virtual Surveyor app.
  5. Repeat the same steps for each successive Timestep.
    Still shot of the third added Timestep in the Timeline.
  6. Create as many Timesteps as there are drone surveys and import each data set into the dedicated Timestep.
    1. You can also create Design and Baseline Timesteps for more advanced projects.
      Add a Design Timestep to the Timeline of drone datasets.

Note: Deleting a Timestep removes it and all its data from your project.

Why the Timeline is Useful

  • Monitor a job site over time through timelapse. When your project contains multiple Timesteps, you can switch from one drone survey to another by selecting each Timestep in the Timeline list (a manager can view the full Timeline in the free Valley version).
    Managing a job site over time. In this case, manage the oversight of building a coastal rock protection wall.

  • Monitor earthworks over time. Use the Cut/Fill tool to create Cut/Fill maps between timesteps. Watch the video to get more details about the workflow.
    Monitor Cut/Fill changes across multiple Timesteps and sequential drone datasets.

  • Assess what earthwork needs to be done by comparing drone survey to Design surfaces via imported CAD design surfaces (either DXF or XML files). Import that CAD file into a Timestep to use it as a reference for the Cut/Fill map.

  • Compare Profiles over time using Timesteps with sequentially flown drone datasets to analyze the removal or addition of project site material.
    Compare profiles over time by analyzing the removal of dirt material from one Timestep to another.

Timeline Functions per Virtual Surveyor Plan

The complete Timeline functionality is only available in the Mountain and Peak plans. Valley/Ridge users have viewing privileges for the Timeline features, but ultimately only have one Timestep.

  • Valley and Ridge plans - the Timeline is a view only feature where you survey today with a snapshot of a drone dataset for a single moment in time. 
    • Includes a single Timestep that you can rename and store data in. 
    • With the Valley/Ridge plan, you can view a project with multiple Timesteps that were created in the Mountain or Peak plans.
  • Mountain plan - compare projects over time by creating multiple snapshots of drone datasets and sequentially organize them using Timesteps.
    • Create cut/fill maps and monitor/assess earthwork projects and progress.
    • Create additional timesteps with drone datasets and compare profiles over time.
  • Peak plan - design the future, then use multiple snapshots of drone datasets through a sequence of Timesteps to see the design being built in phases, over time.
    • Draw designs for a haul road, retention pond, coastal rock wall, etc., and observe the build progress through sequentially flown drone datasets within the Timeline.
    • Able to do everything a Mountain plan user can do on the Timeline.

Valley/Ridge Timeline
Mountain/Peak Timeline

Tips and Tricks

  • You can move drawings, created surfaces, and other work from one Timestep to another using cut/copy and paste.
  • Use the pin option in the Project View to make drawings, profile lines, and topographies available for all the Timesteps
  • Any cleaning of the terrain (terrain modification or removal of objects from the terrain) only applies to the selected Timestep.