You have calculated Cut/Fill volumes and now you want to export this information for inclusion in a report. Virtual Surveyor includes the Export Cut/Fill tool which allows you to export your Cut/Fill volumes in .csv format. Afterwards, you can use a spreadsheet to format the numbers of that file into a table.

Export Cut/Fill is available in the Cut/Fill group of the EXPORT tab and works only if at least one Cut/Fill calculation is visible in the project.

Quick Usage Guide

  • Tick the Cut/Fill items that you want to export in the Project View.

  • Go to the EXPORT tab.
  • Click Export Cut/Fill.
  • Select the name and the location for your text file, for example Cut-Fill.csv.
  • Click Save.
  • Once completed, you can open the file with the Cut/Fill volumes in Excel or another spreadsheet application.

Tip: In order to work faster, you can select all items in your project that you want to export. Items that do not contain a Cut/Fill calculation will not be exported.

Tips and Tricks

  • You can also copy the Cut/Fill volumes to the clipboard if you have only one Cut/Fill calculation that you need to export. Use the clipboard icon in the top right corner of the Information box.
  • Use the Extract Cut/Fill Area tool to break down your Cut/Fill items and export the volume values for a specific cut or fill area to a .csv file.
  • Use Copy Viewport tool to create a Cut/Fill map with volume annotations included to complete your report.