The VIEW tab contains tools that allow you to change perspectives of your data in the Viewport, and also enable or disable menus for other functionality. These include tools to orient yourself, change viewing modes between 2D & 3D, adjust orientation, and explore the terrain using Fly Through or Walk Mode. You can also show or hide the Timeline, Material Editor, Profile View, and the compass.


View Mode Group

3DToggles the Viewport to 3D view mode. This is the default View mode for Virtual Surveyor. Your drone data is viewed in a fully 3D environment where you can rotate your view in any angle or direction. Project data is shown in a true 3D position and can be underneath the Elevation Terrain as well. 
2DToggles the Viewport to 2D view mode. 2D mode locks the view to top-down (but you can zoom in or out), and the Image Terrain is shown as a true orthomosaic. The 2D mode shows all project data in its true 2D position and becomes unobscured by the elevation terrain, even if the data's 3D position is below the terrain.

Position Group

OverviewReturns the Viewport to the default view (Top-down facing northward).
HomeReturn to or set Home view location.
NorthOrients your view northward.
CreateCreates a spatial bookmark for an important viewing position in the Viewport, allowing quick access and easy navigation. These viewing positions can also be used for Fly Throughs.

Result: Location

Flight Group

Fly ThroughAllows you to generate a Fly Through view of the scene from any created viewing positions.
SpeedThe speed at which your Fly Through moves from set position to set position.
LoopWhen ticked, Loop will restart the Fly Through by starting back at the first position.
PatternMoves the view in a circular or linear pattern starting from the center of your Viewport.

Walk Group

Walk ModeEnables Walk Mode. Allows a first-person view of the drone data and allows you to virtually navigate the site as if walking there in person.

View Group

TimelineDisplays the Timeline panel. Used to organize and sequence drone surveys, terrestrial surveys and topographic designs over time. The Timeline enables visual exploration of projects over time, cut-and-fill analysis, and profile comparisons.
Profile ViewDisplays the Profile View. Used to get a vertical section of your elevation terrain along a line.
Material EditorDisplays the Material Editor panel. Used for converting stockpile volumes to tonnages and monetary value.

Screen Overlay Group

CompassShows/Hides the compass in the Viewport.