The Edit Vertex functionality allows you to change the geometry of your survey items. Enabling Edit Vertex allows you to move existing, create new, and delete vertices from your survey items. The Edit Vertex Mode functionality only works on a single selected item. You can enable the Edit Vertex feature in the TOOLS for Polyline/Boundary tab and the edit dialog box will appear.
TOOLS for Polyline Tab
TOOLS for Boundary Tab
Valley interface | Ridge/Peak interface |
Edit Vertex works on:
- points
- polylines (arc included)
- boundaries (circle and rectangle included)
Info! Any edit can be undone using Ctrl+Z or the Undo button in the Quick Access Toolbar.
Edit Vertex Modes
Editing existing vertices can be done in 4 different ways.
Name | Description |
On Terrain | Allows you to change the position of one or multiple vertices using your mouse while placing the vertex Z level on the underlying drone data. |
XY | Allows you to change the position of one or multiple vertices using your mouse while maintaining its current elevation. |
Z | Allows you to change the elevation of one or multiple vertices using your mouse or the Z input field. |
Interpolate Z | Allows you to change the elevation of a range of vertices by interpolating the Z values between two vertices. |
Info! You can also delete existing and create new vertices.
Selecting a Vertex
Once you have enabled any of the available edit modes, you need to select a vertex.
- The vertices appear as white dots in edit mode. You can select them with a left-click.
- A vertex will appear purple once it is selected.
- You can also select multiple vertices by holding Ctrl with each left-click.
- In a similar way, you can select a range of vertices holding the Shift key down.
- In order to select all vertices, use Ctrl+A. Use Ctrl+Shift to select all vertices within the specified range.
- You can move the selection to the next or previous vertex, using the arrow keys.
Edit Vertex Modes Details
On Terrain
Selecting the On Terrain option will allow you to drag the vertex to a new location with the Z being determined by the underlying drone data.
Edit XY
When using the XY Edit mode, dragging a vertex will hold the elevation of the selected vertex while allowing the movement of the XY location. When moving a vertex with the left-mouse button, an orange plane appears to provide spatial context during the edit operation.
Edit Z
When you are in the Z Edit mode, dragging a vertex will hold the XY position of the selected vertex while allowing the movement of the vertex in the Z direction. When moving a vertex (hold left-click and drag), an orange line appears to provide spatial context during the edit operation. You can also enter a specific elevation for the vertex in the input field or use the arrows to change the elevation to the value you want.
Interpolate Z
When you are in the Interpolate Z mode, selecting a range of vertices changes the elevation of those vertices to become a constant slope between two vertices. Left-click on the first desired vertex, then left-click again on the last desired vertex—from the same polyline—to apply the interpolation.
Add a Vertex
You can add a vertex to a polyline or a boundary by clicking on the segment between 2 existing vertices. Depending on the enabled edit mode, the new vertex is either draped onto the terrain (On Terrain) or it is created at the elevation between the 2 existing vertices.
Delete a Vertex
Pressing the Delete key deletes any selected vertex, and the selection automatically moves to the next vertex. This allows for quick deletion of a sequence of vertices by pressing the Delete key multiple times. You can also select multiple vertices using Shift or Ctrl keys and delete them in groups (see below). This operation for deleting vertices is shown in the illustration below, where a bulge (generated with Extract Level) is deleted to extract a correct water boundary.
Geometry Snapping
By enabling the geometry Snapping feature, you can accurately start drawing from an existing geometry. When you are using a drawing tool with the Geometry Snapping turned on, your cursor will turn into a purple circle if it comes close to an existing geometry. Left-click when the purple circle appears to start the drawing from that existing vertex or segment.