When a Surface (TIN or Contour) is selected, the Tools tab menu becomes available in the ribbon. The Surface menu contains tools that allow you to edit, change styling, annotate, transform, and create grading with your selected Surface. There are also tools for volumetric work and the ability to modify your Elevation terrain to match the surface.


Styling Group

TINAllows you to change the Surface TIN line color. 
ThicknessAllows you to change the Surface TIN line thickness.
Show / Hide TINTurns on and off displaying the selected Surface as a TIN. If used and the surface is not currently displaying Contours, the Show Contours styling is automatically applied.
ContoursAllows you to change the Surface Contours line color.
IntervalAllows you to adjust the Contour Surface interval spacing.
Show / Hide ContoursTurns on and off displaying the selected Surface as contours. If used and the surface is not currently displaying a TIN, the Show TIN styling is automatically applied.

Annotate Group

NameSurface Descriptor & Number displayed over the Surface in the Viewport.
LabelAllows you to change the Surface Label color.
SizeAllows you to change the Surface Label size.

Edit Group

Edit SurfaceEnables edit mode for a selected surface. The Edit Surface has four options: Remove Vertex, Add Vertex, Remove Edge and Flip Edge.

Remove Vertex - allows you to remove vertices directly from your TIN.

Add Vertex - allows you to add vertices to your TIN by clicking anywhere on your Elevation Terrain.

Remove Edge - allows you to edit your TIN directly by removing individual TIN segments or triangle edges from your Surface.

Flip Edge - allows you to edit your TIN by rotating the edge of a surface triangle to better match the underlying terrain.

TIN segments can also be removed in bulk. Hold the SHIFT button and left-click while dragging your cursor in the Viewport. Any TIN segment within the selection box is removed.
Auto-Flip EdgesOptimizes TIN edge placement by flipping triangle edges to best fit the active Elevation Terrain. This tool is best used on bare-earth elevation terrains and only works on a selected TIN.
Keep OutsideKeep Outside removes areas of the surface from within a selected boundary, leaving only the exterior portions of the surface intact.
Keep InsideKeep Inside removes areas of the surface that fall outside a selected boundary, leaving only the interior portions of the surface intact.

Transform Group

Offset ZChanges the elevation of the selected surface with a user input value. A positive value raises the surface, a negative value lowers the surface.

Create Group

Extract BoundaryCreates a Boundary along the outside and inner edges of your Surface.

Result: Boundary
Extract PointsCreates Points at the TIN vertices of your Surface.

Result: Point(s)

Grading Group

Create Fill SurfaceExtracts the portion of the design surface that lies above the terrain. The resulting surface represents the areas where material needs to be added.

Result: Surface
Create Cut SurfaceExtracts the portion of the design surface that is located below the terrain. The resulting surface represents the areas where material needs to be removed.

Result: Surface
Intersect TerrainExtracts polylines (or a boundary) where the surface meets the terrain.

Result: Boundary, Polyline
GradeAdjusts a surface with an embankment to seamlessly connect with the surrounding terrain by applying either a cut slope (removing material) or a fill slope (adding material). Properly selected grading slopes ensure terrain stability.

Result: Terrain Modifier, Surface

Volumes Group

Cut/FillA Cut/Fill map visually represents and quantifies earthwork modifications by comparing a reference surface—such as a design surface or another timestep—to the existing terrain. It highlights areas requiring excavation (cut) and material placement (fill), with distinct colors (e.g., red for cut and blue for fill) for clear interpretation.

Result: Cut/Fill
StockpileA stockpile represents the volume between a selected surface and the current terrain. This tool calculates and stores key information, including net volume, material type, tonnage, and monetary value.

Result: Stockpile
Material EditorLaunches the Material Editor where you can set your stockpile material types.

Terrain Group

Modify TerrainChanges the elevation terrain by "molding" it to match the created TIN surface. Modify Terrain is used when you want to represent a topographic surface or a design surface (haul road, water pond, etc.) as a terrain.

Result: Terrain Modifier