The Main View is the default view you see when you start a New Project. In the Main View, you find the set of tools you need to create survey deliverables from your drone data.
The Main View consists of 10 components:
1. Viewport
The Viewport is the most important component of the Virtual Surveyor software.
- The Viewport is the place where you can see, explore, and understand your drone data and create your topographic surveys.
- You can navigate through the Viewport with your mouse or keyboard.
2. Ribbon
The ribbon is the menu at the top of the application that gives you access to all the operations you can do in your Virtual Surveyor project.
- The ribbon is organized through a series of logically organized tabs.
Tab | Description |
HOME | The HOME tab contains the most commonly used functions like drawing and grids. |
EXPORT | Allows you to export your work to survey deliverables like a CAD model or stockpile report. |
ANALYSIS | Functions that help you understand your data such as the slope steepness lens. |
VIEW | Functions that relate to the different ways you can view your projects. |
HELP | Easy access to the Knowledge Base, videos, and how to get in touch with us for assistance. |
TOOLS | Exposes a series of operations that you can do to a selected piece of project data. |
The FILE button gives you access to the Backstage View, which contains the commands to create a new project, open an existing project, and save a project.
3. Layers
The Layers are available on the left side of the application.
- The Layers helps to structure your survey data into different layers.
- The Layers also gives you access to all your Project Data, even when they are not visible in the Viewport.
- Right-click on a point, polyline, boundary, surface, etc., or a layer to gain access to several contextual menus that allow you to create and manage layers and any survey data included.
4. Timeline
The Timeline allows you to organize a project site over time through the use of Timesteps.
- A Timestep can contain drone data as a moment in time, or a CAD design for a future concept.
- The Timeline can be enabled from the View tab or by clicking on the Timeline icon located in the status bar and shows up on the right portion of your screen.
5. Add Data Control
The Add Data Control is also available on the left side of the application and appears under the Project View.
- The Add Data Control allows you to add drone and CAD data to your project.
- You can click choose files or drag-and-drop data in the entire Main View.
- The Add Data Control shows progress when your data is converted, imported, or downloaded from Dropbox.
6. Selection Box
The Selection Box exposes a Select All function and will present information about the selected Project Data.
- When you have a single piece of project data selected, the Selection box displays its properties.
- When multiple pieces of data are selected, the Selection box displays a summary by the selected type of information.
- You can click on a part of the project data to create a Selection Subset.
You can also click on the copy icon in the upper right corner to copy the properties of that project data to the clipboard.
7. Profile View
In the Profile View, you can get a vertical section of your topography along a line.
- This is helpful to analyze elevations in your projects for single or multiple moments in time.
- The Profile View allows you to look at your drone data from another point of view in addition to the default interactive 3D and 2D map views.
8. The Material Editor
The Material Editor allows you to define a material with properties like density, value per ton, and display color.
- Materials are used to convert volume information to tonnage and monetary value.
- The colors help identify how different materials are spread over your (aggregates) site.
9. Status Bar
The Status Bar is the horizontal (ochre-colored) menu at the bottom of the Main View.
- The Status Bar displays information about the project, like the coordinate system and the corresponding geographic coordinate of the mouse cursor.
- The Status Bar also allows you to change the Project Coordinate System and gives quick access to frequently used functions like the Timeline, 3D View mode, and Map View Modes.
10. Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access Toolbar is a configurable toolbar—at the very top of the application—that shortcuts to important functions of the application like Undo and Save.
- All the Quick Access Toolbar functions are available as Keyboard Shortcuts as well.